Sunday, June 6, 2010


-Warning, just a rant post-

I've burned my gums...:( it's at the roof of my mouth, in the area where my from teeth are...
I mean, it's not horrible, but the bad thing is...i have retainers!! If there's just something off, my retainers will feel off. Right now, the area that's burned feels swollen, and large...
How did i get burned..? ^^;; well...I ate some hot food...ahahahhaha but it's so bothersome right now. I've even checked on a mirror, and holy it looks like I cut it up or something. :\
I normally wouldn't care so much, but swollen gums + retainers(the clear kind)=worst feeling ever. I feel like it's being squished and the feeling never goes away. If i were to remove my retainers, my teeth are gonna go bad again. :'(

*shoves retainer into mouth*

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