Thursday, June 30, 2011


It's been four years since I've been at my highschool(duh). I've met so many people, and I'm so happy that I went to this school. I was originally supposed to go to a different school, but I moved, and thus went to this school.
I used to be a major loner, ugly, shy girl in middle/elementary school.
I honestly...can't fathom how I've become like this, but it's all because of the people I met.
I see everyone saying how this school sucks, the school is so bad, but I appreciate it so much. the people, the really did make my experience a pleasant one. You guys all helped my blossom into what I am today. I can only bloom wider from now on because you guys are the one who gave me the confidence.

Thank you!

I only wish I could have taken a picture with everyone...

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