Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it matches your personality

My zodiac sign is the Taurus. So I will be referencing to this wikipedia link on what a Taurus should be like.

So, first thing I see it says "stability, resistance to change, and the ability to 'enjoy the people'."
I do like stability, resist change so that is true, thought, this is applicable to anyone. Enjoy people? Not exactly sure what that means.

Based on what I'm reading on wikipedia, it is quite accurate. I am an introvert, passive aggressive. I do hold in my anger, but when I get angry, I blow up.

Although I do read my horoscope every morning, I do not believe that it foretells the future, or anything. There may be some spiritual connection. However, because I am a taurus does not mean that I'm like every taurus, or that my personality can be generalized. I do think that there may be a correlation though.

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